I am a sucker for all things Disney. In particular, the friggin’ Disney princesses and or villains. I’m not sure if it’s in my genetic code or something but when I get a glimpse of anything Disney princess I go into a grabby hands frenzy. As of late, or rather recently, maybe it started two years ago? Eyes Lips Face or Elf Cosmetics has been releasing some Disney related cosmetic items that every girl and I mean every girl needs.
Elf cosmetics isn’t the highest of brands when it comes to makeup but my goodness me are they worth the price! I have been buying elf products since I started college back in the day and it was pretty much the only cosmetic line I could afford that wasn’t complete and utter crap. I still use it today. They’re brushes are awesome!
The first palette I acquired was Ariel’s and in all honesty, it’s pretty much my favorite of the three. That being said. I do prefer the makeup bags from the Snow White line, so it’s a win win situation. Ariel’s palette has a lot more colors and more product overall.
The eyeshadows are a bit more pigmented and significantly brighter.That being said, I would expect Ariel’s collection to be brighter and a bit more colorful than Snow White’s considering Snow White has more of an old school vintage look that’s more of a smokey eye. Either way, this palette is tons of fun and can be found at select Walgreens. However, sometimes they discontinue them. I noticed that when i went to buy the Snow White one, they had restocked Ariel’s and today when I purchased the Sleeping Beauty palette, they had some left over Snow White and Ariel merchandise.
Snow White was my first Disney movie. It was a X-mas gift or more like a Reyes Magos gift but whatever. My mother chose Snow White for me because she felt I resembled her. It made me a very frustrated baby because Snow White wasn’t exactly the newest or coolest princess. That being said, as an adult, I love Snow White and don’t mind resembling her.

This palette is cute. It’s packaging is gorgeous. The eyeshadows are sweet and simple. No fuss in this palette. Unlike Ariel’s this one brings a small eyeliner, blush, and a red lip gloss. Ariel’s brought bronzer, you know? She lived in the sea! Of course Ariel was tanned! An eyeshadow brush was also included and a very pretty pink lip gloss. The stand out pieces of this line to me were the eyelashes and makeup bags. THEY WERE FRIGGIN ADORABLE! I just, I love this makeup bag and it was so well designed.
Last but not least is the very last palette and the one I found entirely by accident today. I was just browsing Walgreens.com and THERE IT WAS. You best believe I ran out the door like a mad woman. Aurora is one of my favorites! This palette is unlike the first two because this one includes a villain look. The top part are Auroras colors which are all very earthy and natural tones. Briar rose is this beautiful sparkly pink eyeshadow that just kills me while Maleficent’s look is more intense with a combination of bright, dark, and sparkly colors. They both have lip glosses that are GORGEOUS. Maleficent’s a dark magenta while Aurora’s is this red with gold sparkles. YES, GOLD FRIGGIN’ SPARKLES. I can’t even begin to describe how much I love this palette.
What a fun cosmetics collection!
It really is! I love getting them.
They need a bitter male version of something like this. I would so be down with that.
That’s awesome to hear. A Beast and Gaston one would be the coolest.