Lately, I’ve been thinking about kindness and what being kind entails. I’ve heard a lot of people use the word. I’ve seen examples of kindness. I’ve been called kind yet I don’t fully understand what it means when people call me kind. What does it take to have that quality? Who gets to choose whether you are kind or unkind? Should I be flattered when someone calls me kind? Should I be offended? Is kindness a virtue or a flaw? The word kept popping up everywhere. I saw it in Facebook memes and quotations. It seemed as if the world was trying to tell me something about kindness that I was missing and I think I finally understand it.
Did you know?
The act or quality of being kind is something you will have to define yourself. I’ve noticed that at least in my case, kindness is being the best possible version of yourself you can possibly be. It’s to have courage, love, and understanding of others. It’s a quality that is fueled by love. You cannot be kind if you do not appreciate things. At times, I feel that those who are most kind are those who have experienced cruelty. It is a trait that is felt. You will feel when someone is kind or has done something kind for you. I found this quotation that I believe define the qualities of those who are kind:
“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.”
― Lao Tzu
There are many ways of being kind but it is the sum of all these things that make an individual kind. Much like happiness, kindness is a choice. You can choose to be kind or choose to be unkind. In the end, it’s up to you. My sister Ruthy, to me, is an incredible example of kindness. She is not only kind but thoughtful, courageous, and selfless. Ruthy always considers how I feel and pushes me to be a more understanding individual. She is, without a doubt, one of the most precious people I know.
I want to always be kind even when it’s difficult. The world could use a bit more kindness.
Great post. To be kind requires empathy. I’ve often thought kindness is under rated and perhaps a dying art in some egocentric circles. Interestingly I think the tide is turning – there seems to be a renewed interest in the value of EQ (emotional intelligence) in corporate life. We all know the cornerstone for EQ is good old fashioned kindness.
I agree. A lot of people think there is strength in being unkind. I am not one of those people.