Healthy Oatmeal and Banana Cookies


There’s this health craze going about. I’m not entirely sure who invented the two ingredient oatmeal and banana cookie. It’s just been swooshing around the Internet for a while. I’ve always been interested in the cookie. It seemed simple enough and I happened to have some ripe bananas that needed some eating. I’d like to think …

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Puerto Rican Getaway

Baking Writing

As some of you many know, or well, I hope most of you. I’ve been in Puerto Rico for the last three weeks! So far, it’s been a very food-filled yet exhausting adventure. It also has been the longest I have gone without baking or cooking anything. To be honest, I’m starting to experience baking …

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Super Easy Coconut Cream Cupcakes


Coconut flavored desserts are pretty fantastic and don’t have to be really difficult to make. I was having a coconut craving when inspiration struck. I made these cupcakes using leftover ingredients and a box of Funfetti cake mix. At first, I was a little apprehensive about using boxed cake mix, since I felt like I …

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Coquito is a Puerto Rican drink, equivalent to eggnog,  made of all that is delicious, pure, and beautiful on this earth. I say eggnog because it’s a drink we usually have during the holidays. However, it does not have an eggy taste at all and it’s more like a coconut liquor, creamy, thing of just justice …

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