Guava Puff Pastry (Pastelillos de Guayaba)


Pastelillitos de guayaba

I’m so homesick, guys. It’s ridiculous. I never thought I’d be homesick. But to be entirely honest, I’m only homesick for the food… Does that make me a horrible person?! Granted, I do miss my family and my husband’s family. I really do miss them a lot. They just aren’t as delicious as Guava Puff Pastries! You can’t blame me, Internet. If you’ve tried these then you’d miss these too. Now, this recipe is very, very simple and you’ll have your guests dying to know how you made them. Lie, lie to them. Tell them it was absolutely troublesome and you would never make them again. Okay, maybe don’t lie.


1 packaged of Goya Puff Pastry Dough for Turnovers

1 C of Guava paste 

1/2 C of Powdered sugar

1. Preheat that devil of an oven to 375 degrees! Not higher than that, it’ll start getting an attitude and really? Who has time to deal with a fiery oven?

2. Take the pastry dough and cut it into triangles. I prefer this shape. The triangles come out to be the perfect bite-sized pieces. Some people prefer squares, I don’t. I’m hip.


3. Place the triangles on a greased cookie sheet and bake for about 3-4 minutes or until lightly golden.


4. Once the puff pastry is take out of the oven, allow it to cool before adding the filling.

5. The filling isn’t complicated at all.  I used to think that it was some sort of manna from the Gods. Oh, how I was not mistaken at all. Guava paste is as wonderful melted as it is when firm. Take a cup of firm guava paste and melt it for about 30 seconds in your microwave.  If the guava paste does not melt in 30 seconds stir it up and give it a little more time. Do not just leave it on there for a minute! It might burn and that’s just nasty.

Pastelillos de guayaba

6. Add as much filling as you deem adequate to one triangle then use another as a lid. Heavily dust the puff pastries with powdered sugar. Make that sugar raiiiiin!  After the pastries look like little triangular clouds they are ready to eat.


0 thoughts on “Guava Puff Pastry (Pastelillos de Guayaba)”

      1. La presentacion esta preciosa, esa guayaba invita a saborealos con un buen vaso de leche bien fria, te felicito se me sube la azucar solo con observalos.

  1. These look so cute! I recently saw guava paste used in another recipe, so now I’m determined to find it and bake with it! 🙂

  2. Casi nunca me encuentro con un blog o una noticia que sera
    entretenido a la par de educativo y quiero decirles que estoy impresionado con lo que me he encontrado en esta pagina, seguir escribiendo así.

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