Revamping: Coming Soon

Here’s me. I’m very excited about my “Indian Taco” I had in Tocabe in Denver Colorado. It was incredibly delicious. I didn’t finish it. I sometimes think about it before going to bed.


It’s been A LONG LONG time since I’ve last blogged. It’s not like I’ve forgotten to. It’s just… I guess, I wasn’t in the right state of mind to blog. I wrote up a few recipes and couldn’t make myself publish them. They weren’t up to standard. I took a break thinking I’d get back to it quickly. It’s been almost two years since I last posted anything on here.

I became a licensed Esthetician and Laser Hair Removal Technician in that time. I’ve grown some plants. I’ve learned new skills, visited new places, and now, I feel like it’s about time to start back up again. I also became a nursery teacher and truly love working with kiddos.

I think Warm Toasty Muffins might be headed towards a not-so-limited baking blog into a more, journeyish flowy blog. I want more flexibility. It’s more like, I NEED more flexibility and would love to share it with my online friends.

I hope y’all stick around or click around or y’know come visit me on this little corner of the Internet.


4 thoughts on “Revamping: Coming Soon”

    1. Thank you! I’m very excited to get started. If I were some sort of anime character, I’d for sure have little flames or stars in my eyes. <3

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