Hello everyone from gamers to cake enthusiasts, I’m Melisa but you can call me Mely. I’m the writer and creator of Warm Toasty Muffins where I cover an array of geeky topics, video games, beauty, baking, or whatever catches my fancy. There are many things that I enjoy, most of which, I cannot wait to share with you.
Let us begin this written adventure!
Thanks for following my blog. I hope you find a few recipes to try out sometime. I’ve got a nice selection of healthy and non-healthy! If you try one, please let me know how it turns out.
It’s a wonderful blog! I couldn’t help but follow it. You have some unique recipes on here. I’ll definitely give some of them a try and get back to you.
Thank you so much. I appreciate your generous comments.
Like your recipes
Mi amor se ve muy bien, se me hace agua la boca!!
Me alegro!
Hi, I have just discovered your blog and would like to nomimate you for the Liebster blog award. Hope you enjoy participating, find out what it’s all about here: http://lovelybuns.wordpress.com/2012/12/31/liebster-award-2/
Thanks, Candy!
I’ve recently switched my food blog over to be self-hosted which I hope will make it more user-friendly in the future. As a result, if you were following Can’t Stay Out of the Kitchen via email, WordPress, or using RSS feeds through Google Reader or some other way, you are no longer subscribed. If you wish to continue receiving future posts from my blog you will need to re-subscribe. Sorry for the inconvenience, Teresa.
Teresa, I tried following your blog but it kept giving me an error. I will try again tomorrow. It’s wonderful that you are now self-hosting your site. I’ll definitely re-follow.
So glad you found our blog so that we could find yours!! Your recipes look delicious! I can’t wait to try some out!
Thanks, I am loving yours. Soooo much variety!
Really like your blog so I nominated you for a Liebster Award, … go here for more details. http://shecleans.wordpress.com/2013/04/11/liebster-award-nomination/
Awww thanks for the nomination!
Hello there Mely! Lovely to discover your gorgeous blog. You’re definitely a girl after my own heart… I love cake (all baked treats, actually!) and all sorts of nerdy things make their way into our household! Thanks for the follow, and glad to be following you back. Can’t wait to try some of your beautiful recipes x
Did you say, “nerdy things and cake”? Well, those are subjects that pertain to my interests. I foresee us getting along swimmingly! And of course I couldn’t help but follow your beautiful blog. Those images alone, are enough to entice the strictest and grumpiest dieter!
Melisa great blog you have here. I love the name you have given it as well as the lay out. Very delectable as well as all of your recipes. I seen you over at Kim’s blog (Treasured Recipes) and clicked over to see yours.
I would like to invite you to view Fun with food (www.savorthefood.com/blog) and follow Us if you wish. We would appreciate your readership, visits and comments.
Meantime, I look forward to more from Warm Toasty Muffin.
Chef Randall
I am so glad you’ve stopped by! Thank you for you kind words. As of now, I am following your delectable blog. I have to say, I’m enjoying your hands-on approach to your recipes. It makes everything so much more clearer!
Thanks Melisa for your recent visit to my blog. Thanks for following and don’t forget to leave your e-mail to receive recent posts to Fun with Food. Our web site is also Savor the Food at www. savorthefood.com.
Warm Toasty Muffins. Such an intriguing name. I just had to look to see who had just stopped by my blog. Your recipes and poems make me smile. So delicious.
Hi Mely…..thanks for visiting my cat Sammy’s blog. Do you have cats of your own? Your recipes sound delicious and I hope you have your own bakery one day – keep your dream alive because anything is possible!
Pam (Sam’s Mom)
I did! I had three kitties but now they live with my parents. I miss them so, so, so, so much! I have to admit, your kitty is what brought me to your blog. However, it is a wonderful blog and I enjoy your upbeat writing style. Thank you for your compliments and well-wishes. I’ll try my hardest to accomplish my dreams!
Hi there! I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award! If you’re interested, please click
the below link and read the rules.
Hi Mely! I hope you won’t mind a blogging award.:) I’ve just nominated you for a Super Sweet Blogging Award! Please click here for more info: http://eyedancers.wordpress.com/2013/05/24/a-super-sweet-blogging-award-and-tag-im-it/ Thanks!–Mike
Thanks, Mike! I love awards!
Thank you for following my blog and right back at ya!
Have finally got round to an Awards post, thank you very much again! http://lovinghomemade.com/2013/05/30/awards/
Hi Mely.
My name is Kevin Gillespie, but I do prefer to be called Kev. :). I live in Wales. :).
Thank You for Following my Blog, MUCH Appreciated. I am now Following back. :).
Best Wishes.
cute site!
Hello Mely,
Love your blog and nominated you for Kreativ Blogger award at http://www.rabbitcancook.wordpress.com/2013/07/19/awards-awards-awards/
As usual participation is an optional and only if you want to pass the torch to others. Cheers
Thank you! I’ll check it out as soon as my desktop arrives. Navigating the web on the Chromebook is no fun!
Congratulations! You have been awarded the Shine On Award! http://tastytreats13.wordpress.com/2013/07/22/awards/
Congratulations, Melisa! You have been awarded:
Versatile Blogger Award
I do not expect any action to be taken, or for you to generate a post (unless you wish to pass on the award nominations). Nevertheless, your blog has been awarded at:
Enjoy your Award!
Congratulations! You have been awarded:
Best Moment Award
Sunshine Award
Versatile Blogger Award
Participation is optional, only if you want to pass the awards to others. Please check your awards at http://thenotsocreativecook.wordpress.com/2013/08/17/o-m-g-for-the-additional-awards/
Again, Congratulations!
Ciao! I’ve nominated you for the sunshine award! It’s purely optional, but if you’re interested please check out this post,
Otherwise have an awesome day! :3
Congratulations, Mely! You have been awarded: Very Inspiring Blog Award
I do not expect any action to be taken, or for you to generate a post (unless you wish to pass on the award nominations). Nevertheless, your blog has been awarded at:
Enjoy your Award!
Congratulations! You have been nominated for the Sunshine Award! I love your blog! Here is the link to my sight if you are interested in participating! http://tastytreats13.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/sunshine-award/comment-page-1/#comment-540
*GASP* Are you a Sailor Moon fan? Love the anime series and the manga! I always wanted to have three cats to name them Luna, Artemis, and Diana. lol.
I am! I love Sailor Moon. I am also a big fan of cats so I get where you’re coming from.
Thank you for stopping by and following my blog! I can’t wait to try out some of your recipes and look forward to reading your future posts
Hi Melisa, (love your name!!) thank you for liking Foodbod’s write up about me at my blog the glen house today. Come back and visit me any time! xx
I think your name is very lovely too! Of course I’ll stop by. You have a beautiful blog.
Thank you xx
I’d like to invite you to participate in a new challenge that I am hosting at thewanderinggourmand.com to bring together the beer, wine, and food blogging worlds. As you may know, each month I host a Beer Versus Wine Pairing Challenge inviting readers to suggestion their perfect pairing with a monthly dish. I decided to make the challenge even more engaging by turning the challenge into a contest with bragging rights. Each month a dish will be presented. Bloggers have a week to post their perfect pairing and why in the comments section. The following week, I will summarize the comments in a post for a vote. The winner not only earns bragging rights but also the honor of coming up with the following month’s dish.
Right now the contest will be hosted at thewanderinggourmand.com. Future plans involve a breakout sight and a badge to post back on your blog. I welcome you to join the challenge as it begins today with Beer Battered Fish (http://thewanderinggourmand.com/2014/02/26/beer-battered-fish-pairing/).
Nice reading about you
Thanks for visiting my blog. Be in touch. Browse through the category sections, I feel you may find something of your interest.
I searched your blog for a way to contact you, but couldn’t find anything! Please send a contact request on NautilusMODE; I’d like to do a collab! Keep up the great work!!
I’ll get right on that
Thanks for stopping by and following ! Hope you will enjoy some of the “french” recipes !
Oh and I will!
Hello there! Thanks so much for following me! Your blog is amazing! Nice to meet you
Nice to meet you too! I’ll be honest, the name of your blog was what caused me to click on it. I was even happier to see that your blog was equally as awesome as its title! It’s nice to meet you too.
That’s so very sweet of you to say! I’ll be honest, I was thinking of changing the name *again*… but I think I’ll keep it now, thanks to you
dear Melanie, can´t wait to start to ‘savor’ your page
regards PedroL
I don’t know who Melanie is but I’m glad you liked my page!
Hello Melisa, I found your blog through your comment on my blog, and I love your blog!!! I’m totally a cake enthusiast and love all the other things you write about too. Just subscribed to your blog and now stalking you on FB and Twitter too. Looking forward to reading more.
That’s fantastic! Consider yourself my new Internet friend. I’ve officially followed your blog WHICH I LOVE! And I’m also following you on twitter.
Hi Melisa, I adore the profile on your gravatar. Thanks for sharing and congrats for your site. <3
Thank you for reading! <3
Cute site