Chocolate Cake Cookies


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASo, I’m finally back to Ohio… just in time to start packing because we’re moving to Texas! This summer has been a whirlwind of just chaos, topped with sadness, confusion,happiness, eating, and even bouts of hunger. Nevertheless, I come to you, my friends with a new and simple cookie recipe. This cookie-cake is actually a cookie made using boxed cake mix. Yup, it’s that easy and you probably already have the ingredients on-hand.


1 box of traditional chocolate cake mix
1 large egg
1/4 C of vegetable oil
1/4 C of milk
1/2 of semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/4 C of chopped almonds

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. If you have been away for long, your oven will most certainly come to feel neglected. I suggest you caress your oven lovingly, while offering a well-thought out apology. If this is not enough and your oven still appears to be distraught, promise it that you will never leave it again (this might be an empty promise, but what works, works!) this will definitely work. Give your oven a reassuring wink and proceed to preheat it.


2. In a large bowl or mixer, add the egg, oil, milk, and dry cake mix. Yes, all at once if using a mixer. If you intend to use the mixer you were born with (your hands/arms) then prepare yourself for a most frustrating battle! The cookie-cake-mix is stickier and tougher than most cookie doughs. You could try negotiating with the cookie dough, you know, just let it know how delicious it will become. Lull the dough with promises of beauty and love. This will most certainly soften up the cookie dough’s predispositions.

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3. Once the cookie dough is nice and mixed, add the chocolate chips and chopped almonds. You’ll want to mix these in by hand. Actually, it’s more like folding the ingredients in since the cookie dough is so sticky.


4. The cookie dough is now ready for its closeup. Line the cookie sheet with parchment paper (or use an ungreased cookie sheet) roll the cookies into cute little cookie balls and bake for 12-14 minutes.

*Once cooled, you can sprinkle some powdered sugar on them*

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