If you’ve been following me for a while you’ve noticed that I like reviewing products. I mostly review things I’ve purchased but sometimes I participate in programs that provide these items for free. My reviews will always be genuine and truthful. It’s just the way I am. I will also use the item for a while before singing its praises or finding its faults. I don’t think you could properly review anything if you just bought it and used it once. That’s not how you test something. At first, I felt a bit uncomfortable when I received free products. I thought because I had received them for free, I had to give a good review. I didn’t!
Did you know?
You don’t have to give a good review on anything you do not actually like even if it has been given to you. I mean, if someone gives you a present and you don’t like it don’t be a butt and say it. You be grateful! However, if you are participating in these programs that give you items to test or buy something you do not like-don’t give it a good review! There’s no need to feel forced in liking something or pretending to. You’ll not only be lying to yourself but you’ll also be lying to everyone who reads your review. In the end, it doesn’t help you, your readers, or the companies asking for reviews.
Great Post xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
i just can’t do negative reviews xo
I’ve been emailed about getting a Vox box by taking the quiz, but then never get it! Any advice?
The quizzes are based off what VoxBox you qualify for. If they’re making a wedding themed one and you aren’t a bride or attending a wedding you won’t receive it. It just depends really on what theme they’re going for and luck. I wish you the best of luck out there!