Did You Know? Treat Yo'self!

Did You Know?

Today was Damian’s and I treat day. We don’t tend to have many but every couple of weeks we throw caution to the wind and unwind, we go someplace nice, and maybe splurge on a few bits. We aren’t huge spendthrifts so everything we purchase we’ll use but sometimes we buy something a little special.

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Did You Know? Choose Happiness

Did You Know?

  I was reading this article about what not to say to people. It was an article riddled with paranoia and mistrust. Its tone overall was entirely negative. It was unpleasant to read, to say the least. I’m not a fan of articles that base themselves off negative feelings especially those who are meant to …

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Did You Know? Saying No

Did You Know?

  As I grow older, I’ve noticed that I have a hard time saying “No”. On the rare occasions I do say “no” I am overcome by an absurd amount of guilt. It doesn’t matter if the request was absurd or if I just absolutely couldn’t manage to help an individual at that moment, I …

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Did You Know? Kindness

Did You Know?

Lately, I’ve been thinking about kindness and what being kind entails. I’ve heard a lot of people use the word. I’ve seen examples of kindness. I’ve been called kind yet I don’t fully understand what it means when people call me kind. What does it take to have that quality?

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Giving Credit When Credit is Due


Good morning my lovely readers. It’s snowing here in Texas. I’m not entirely sure how to feel about it. I’m ready for spring. I am legitimately ready. I even bought some super floral spring dress in order to call spring forth. But I digress, this isn’t what this post is about. It’s about not appropriating …

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