Yes, it’s not an outfit of the day, it’s an outfit of the date. My day-to-day outfit consists of a pair of pajamas. I’m somewhat of a homebody so when I
My Beautiful Sister's Birthday Cookies
I baked a cake. I baked a cake two days ago and it didn’t rise. I must have used really old baking soda. I had three different boxes and chose the sad box. It was like baking soda roulette and I picked the worst whatever it is you pick because I don’t even know what …
Adventures of the Adventurous Housewife and Her Fluff-Pup
This year is the year of new beginnings. After much introspection and anguish, I have realized that what I want matters. Feeling forced to follow a certain path is not a good reason to do anything. I will embrace who I am. I will not try to force a shoe that does not fit. It …
New Hobby!
Hello all! I’ve gotten into sewing. I’ve always wanted to sew. I just never really took the time to get the equipment or take any classes. However, I have taken 4 sewing classes with the lovely Carol from Carol’s Learn To Sew and I have learned so much. I am enamored with sewing. It’s a beautiful …
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip and Pecans Cookies
This world can be a cruel place. It will destroy you, if you are not careful. It will lull you into a false sense of security than take everything you have ever loved. When I say “everything you have ever loved” I, of course, mean cookies. Life will take your cookies. So what if you …
Stuff I've Been Loving This Month
I like stuff. Most people like stuff. It’s statistically proven somewhere by someone on the Internet, that is a fact. Here’s some things I’ve been loving so much: Video gaaaaames! Yup. Always. This month it’s been: This game is great. I’ve actually reviewed it on my website. Click on this word for the link: Word. …
Person 4 Golden
This game… Okay, I was always warned about Persona games or any kind of Shin Megami Tensei types of games. I’m a huge scaredy cat. It’s true, there’s no shame in it. I’m a huge wuss. So, everyone felt the need to tell me I couldn’t handle these games. “They were too scary, Mely!” or …
Pink New Playstation Vita Unboxing
Since the PS Vita Slim was announced, I have been waiting, just biding my time, for the US release date. I had my heart set on the pink/black model or the white/blue model. As the time approached for Sony to finally announce the release date alongside the models that would be released for the US, …
Monster Cookies
Another post?! Yes. WRITE ME ANOTHER! This recipe here has been stewing in my mind for months. Months! Months, I tell you! I couldn’t really decide in the right combination of candies to create this monster cookie. I didn’t want M&Ms. I love them. Don’t get me wrong. I just don’t like the candy coating …
Rune Factory 4 and Why You Should Buy It.
First of all, do you have a 3DS? Do you? If you do not, run and get one. They (as in all the major retailers) have tons of pretty ones out now. In addition to all of the incredible games that are being released for this system and you are just friggin’ missing out! I …