Greetings my fellow WordPressians! It is I, Melisa! It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? I’m not going to pretend like I haven’t been fickle and simply just not as motivated as I used to be, in relation to this website, of course. I still love baking. I’ve just been feeling a bit uninspired. I’m …
Easy Lemon Cupcakes
Hello my dearest WordPressians, How are you doing? I’m doing pretty well, thanks for asking. Actually, I bought a new cupcake pan and somehow, SOMEHOW, managed to give myself a paper cut with the paper that lined it. The cut is in a very awkward position, sort of on the side of my thumb. Other …
Hot Chocolate Cookies
Hot chocolate is considered one of the winter staples, am I right? It’s not officially winter until you’ve had a steaming mug of hot chocolate and if you’re feeling a bit more festive, maybe add a bit of whipped cream or marshmallows OR BOTH! I have been thinking about this recipe for a good two …
Nutella Coquito Festive Holiday Drink
Me and my excuses, right? A plethora of excuses! I should be ashamed! Trust me, I am. I tried balancing starting my MA, house duties, and we just got a new puppy! A lot has happened since we last spoke but I digress, let’s get to the recipe! Umm… Well, maybe that isn’t the recipe …
Mantecaditos Puerto Rican Cookies
If you are ever lucky enough to visit this enchanted island, I suggest you ask the locals which is the best bakery, and try absolutely everything they have. Puerto Rican bakeries are magnificent. They’re pastry wonderlands filled with secrets and family recipes. If only I could get the recipe of bizocho de novia! These cookies are a …
Almond Shortbread Cookies
I have pleaded with the gods. On my knees, I have begged for inspiration. They have not forsaken me. At last, I have a post that is worthy enough for you, my reader. It’s been a while, I know. It has been far too long, and for that, I am sorry. Nevertheless, I am here …
I'm so sorry! Here's a low resolution picture of my next recipe
I’ve been missing, I know. Trust me, it’s not due to lack of trying. This month has been difficult. I’ve baked at least five different recipes, all of which, I’ve wanted to burn at the stake for being absolutely unholy. Nevertheless, I’m glad to say that I am back on track and have a recipe ready …
Strawberry Cobbler
Strawberries are fantastic. I adore them. They are definitely one of my top favorite fruits. Oddly enough, I’ve never actually baked anything with strawberries in it. Yesterday, as I was searching the fridge for something to eat I noticed some delightful looking strawberries. These strawberries with their vibrant red dresses served as an inspiration for …
Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies
My life is in disarray. I kid you not. Since the move, I’ve had the most horrible time trying to get back on track. After having created two of the most unappetizing recipes, I stared at my hands in disbelief and cursed them for bringing such atrocities to life. These food-like substances made me question …
Pineapple Upside Down Cupcakes
The move is going nicely. I’ve finally unpacked the kitchen! Unfortunately, my living room has become a haunted storage room. Everywhere I turn, there’s a box that I somehow forgot to unpack full of things I have no idea I had. Maybe it’s the world’s way of telling me to be mindful of my purchases? …