Easy Lemon Cupcakes


Hello my dearest WordPressians, How are you doing? I’m doing pretty well, thanks for asking. Actually, I bought a new cupcake pan and somehow, SOMEHOW, managed to give myself a paper cut with the paper that lined it. The cut is in a very awkward position, sort of on the side of my thumb. Other …

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Hot Chocolate Cookies


Hot chocolate is considered one of the winter staples, am I right? It’s not officially winter until you’ve had a steaming mug of hot chocolate and if you’re feeling a bit more festive, maybe add a bit of whipped cream or marshmallows OR BOTH! I have been thinking about this recipe for a good two …

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Almond Shortbread Cookies


I have pleaded with the gods. On my knees, I have begged for inspiration. They have not forsaken me. At last, I have a post that is worthy enough for you, my reader. It’s been a while, I know. It has been far too long, and for that, I am sorry. Nevertheless, I am here …

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Strawberry Cobbler


Strawberries are fantastic. I adore them. They are definitely one of my top favorite fruits. Oddly enough, I’ve never actually baked anything with strawberries in it. Yesterday, as I was searching the fridge for something to eat I noticed some delightful looking strawberries. These strawberries with their vibrant red dresses served as an inspiration for …

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Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies


My life is in disarray. I kid you not. Since the move, I’ve had the most horrible time trying to get back on track. After having created two of the most unappetizing recipes, I stared at my hands in disbelief and cursed them for bringing such atrocities to life. These food-like substances made me question …

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Puerto Rican Getaway

Baking Writing

As some of you many know, or well, I hope most of you. I’ve been in Puerto Rico for the last three weeks! So far, it’s been a very food-filled yet exhausting adventure. It also has been the longest I have gone without baking or cooking anything. To be honest, I’m starting to experience baking …

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Sinister Chocolate Muffins


    Chocolate is my vice. It’s sinister and conniving, it’ll find a way to get into my innermost thoughts where it will remain until all the chocolate I posses is gone. It’s both wretched and lovely. Its a luscious silken robe of desire. Update: I finished this recipe on Thursday but I haven’t been …

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