The Chocolate Extravaganza Cookie


Pillsbury and Neslte Toll House, I am calling you out! These cookies put yours to shame. SHAME! Seriously. Not you, Jello Instant Pudding, if not for your delicious awesomeness, my cookies would’ve been only alright. These out-of-this-world cookies are just what anyone has ever needed. I mean everyone. Not only are they jam-packed with chocolate, …

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Cinnamon, Raisins, and Winter Ale Bread


You could say that this Sunday was one of the laziest Sundays I have ever experienced. You know what? No. This whole weekend was a lazy weekend. I have one thing to say for my actions or lack thereof: I regret nothing. In order to commemorate this weekend of absolute non-moving, video gaming, and snuggles, Damian and I decided …

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Churros and Vanilla sauce


It’s 12 a.m. on a Sunday, and what do I decide to make? Churros. Yes. Churros and a vanilla sauce to go with them, because why not?! The recipe I used is an adaptation to the one in The Cookie and Biscuit Bible. Apparently, the original recipe is called Spanish Churros.  I, on the other …

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Vanilla Flan


I have never made flan. Never, guys. I am a Puerto Rican who has never made flan. I apologize. Forgive me culture fairy, I did not know, I did not know!  However, today I can hold my head up high. I made flan! Not only that, my lovelies. I made flan without following any of the …

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