My Heart Ached: A Poem


More often than not, I tend to focus on the positive. Life is truly what you make it. Today, I watched the most touching online video. It was about a young boy who lost his life to cancer.  Zach Sobiech left quite the impression on me. His meekness and ability to focus on the matter at hand was just absolutely inspiring. I am aware that this world is as full has happiness as it is of sadness. Nevertheless, whatever we choose to feel or choose to be is ours. It is our choice. This young man chose to be happy. I will most definitely choose to be happy as well.

This Concrete poem was inspired by him and although it is not very long, it is exactly how I felt after having watched his video.

From Within

By Melisa Robledo

The essence of being

You’re right or you’re wrong

The strength and will to carry on

Words so craftily chosen to define your being

Color coated sentiments behind the feelings

You are not one but many

The choice is yours

To do good or bad

To be happy or sad

There are questions

There are answers

But above all

There are choices

0 thoughts on “My Heart Ached: A Poem”

        1. That is very nice of you to say. As soon as I write some more, I will gladly share them with you. I used to be terrified of sharing my art. This blog has helped me overcome that fear.

          1. If I had a shred of art, drawing, poems, sculpting, etc, I would share it like a boss. I guess that’s why others get the talent. The only thing I am good at is being really sarcastic and bitter.

          2. That’s a talent! Not a lot of people understand the art of sarcasm and wit! To be sarcastic, you must be witty. Your art is in your wordplay and you are very good at keeping your readers entertained.

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