New Sewing Project: Clutches


Since I have begun sewing, I’ve been trying to become a bit more confident when it comes to honing my craft. I am by no means an expert. Actually, I am a complete novice. I’ve only been sewing for about two months which is really practically no experience at all. Nevertheless, I am really very dedicated to becoming a better seamstress overall. This month I’ve been a bit clutch crazy. I want to eventually create my own patterns and develop various different types of bags. However, I am not quite there yet. You know, when I say this month, I’ve actually only been using this pattern for a bit over two weeks.

The pattern I have been using I got from this lovely site: Positively Splendid. Amy (she runs said site) has a beautiful blog with many wonderful tutorials on sewing and many other crafty/homey things in general.

These are some of my variations of the clutches:

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