Super Quick and Versatile Crescent Rolls


I wasn’t feeling up to much today. I spent most of the day dancing and  or rolling on the carpet. It was just one of those days. Nevertheless, I still managed to cook dinner and crank out these little guys, who were so ridiculously fast and easy to make. Really, no baking skills needed or required for …

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Successful? More like Suck-cess-full


Ever now and again, I’ll have an existential crisis. As a 20-something year old and recent college graduate, this tends to happen a lot. But who can blame me with the endless amount of meaningless information being thrown at my face with titles ranging from “Top Ten Careers”, “How to be Successful”, and “Top 5 Worst …

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The Chocolate Extravaganza Cookie


Pillsbury and Neslte Toll House, I am calling you out! These cookies put yours to shame. SHAME! Seriously. Not you, Jello Instant Pudding, if not for your delicious awesomeness, my cookies would’ve been only alright. These out-of-this-world cookies are just what anyone has ever needed. I mean everyone. Not only are they jam-packed with chocolate, …

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Crumble by Melisa Robledo Sphere-like gems, glistening colors of passionate reds, joyful yellows, and evanescent blues My creativity endeavored through ingredients rich, sweet, and dry I am comprised of the things I did create Through the fires of varying degrees Whether it moist, cracked, or whipped Bits and pieces, crumbs or a dash It has all …

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ABC Blog Award


Yay! Another blog award! This award nomination was so graciously given to me by The Peckish Kiwi . This clever individual, alongside his wife (Mrs. P), and two kitties, runs an endlessly food-teasing blog where you will find yourself needing to eat absolutely everything he reviews. Now, this award comes with a price, you are required to …

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Reese's White chocolate Cookies


A couple of my friends swear by the Reese’s white chocolate peanut butter cups. They call them divine and believe they are superior to the original. I like them. They’re pretty delicious. However, I’m just partial to the perfection that is the combination of milk chocolate and peanut butter. Nevertheless, my  friends Katrina ,Jeraliz, and my …

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