I’m on a peanut butter and chocolate binge! I can’t help it guys. I love the combination. I woke up this morning wanting bananas, chocolate, and peanut butter. In a way, I was confused and very hungry. In addition to wanting everything previously stated, I definitely needed it in some sort of cake form. I considered baking …
Chocolate and Peanut Butter Cookies
This recipe here… I felt inspired. You know those days were you don’t know what it is you want to eat but you desperately need it? Whatever that it is, I think I discovered it. It’s these chocolate and peanut butter cookies. That longing your tummy has been fetowards this unknown food. I can help! …
Churros and Vanilla sauce
It’s 12 a.m. on a Sunday, and what do I decide to make? Churros. Yes. Churros and a vanilla sauce to go with them, because why not?! The recipe I used is an adaptation to the one in The Cookie and Biscuit Bible. Apparently, the original recipe is called Spanish Churros. I, on the other …
Wilton Tall Cakes Course
In the beginning of December 2012, I was able to take Wilton’s Tall Cakes Course, and goodness, was it fun! This class is a three hour, sort of intensive course on how to build your very own tall cake. We were required to bring all of our decorations and cakes pre-made among the designated list …
Turkey Meatballs
Now, I don’t know about you guys but I think meatballs are pretty delicious. This is my turkey meatball recipe with a Hispanic twist. These meatballs are very tender, but they’re packed with a lot of flavor. You can serve these at a party or just have them for dinner with some rice or bread. They’re pretty …
Final Cake Project for Wilton Decorating Course 2 & 3
During the month of November 2012, I was attending Wilton’s Decorating courses 2 & 3. In these courses, we are taught to make flowers from gumpaste, fondant, and royal icing while using diverse baking tools ranging from cookie cutters, to fondant cutters/presses, and flower nails. And last but certainly not least, we’re also taught to cover …
Liebster Award
I’ve been nominated for another WordPress type of award. In this case, it’s the Liebster Award and the lovely lady behind the nomination is Lovely Buns. Thanks, Candy for the nomination! I’m so flattered. I’ve been working very hard on my blog and will continue to do so in the following year. These are the …
Pasta Salad (Ensalada de Coditos)
I love pasta: any type with any kind of delicious sauce please. During the holidays, there’s a particular kind of side dish we Puerto Ricans cannot get enough of. You know what? Let me actually make the previous statement a little clearer, Puerto Ricans eat this pasta throughout the whole friggin’ year. But, during the …
Super Sweet Blogging Award
Teresa from Can’t Stay Out of the Kitchen nominated me for the Super Sweet Blogging Award and how convenient! Since I absolutely love sweets! Thank you, Teresa. Your nomination made my day! The Super Sweet Blogging Award requires that I answer some questions, among other things. So here I go! The Rules: 1. Give credit to the …
Cheddar and Ham Scones
I love the idea of ham and cheddar scones. I, however, have never actually had any. So today, I decided that I would attempt to make some. I HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL! These scones are buttery, flaky, and savory. As soon as they came out of the oven, I couldn’t help but to stuff my face …