THIS GAME! *breathes* Everyone knows what South Park is. If by some reason you have no idea what South Park is… o.o who are you? Where have you been? and, which planet are you from? Click on this and educate yourself.
Elf Cosmetics Disney Princess and Villain Line (Ariel, Snow White, Maleficent, and Aurora)
I am a sucker for all things Disney. In particular, the friggin’ Disney princesses and or villains. I’m not sure if it’s in my genetic code or something but when I get a glimpse of anything Disney princess I go into a grabby hands frenzy. As of late, or rather recently, maybe it started two …
Coming to Terms with Your Quirkiness
I’ve been called a few adjectives in my day. The one used most commonly is “quirky”. I remember the first time I was every called quirky. I laughed it off, I had no idea what it meant and as soon as I got home I grabbed my dictionary (because I didn’t have a computer at …
Dee Hill Photography: A Magical Experience
Every girl deserves to feel beautiful, right? I used to have a difficult time feeling comfortable in my own skin. That changed this year. Something inside of me changed and Dee Hill Photography played a huge part in it.
Update: I am not dead.
Hello my fellow blogger, readers, and overall creators, I’ve had surgery. Yes, surgery. This year, although amazing and somewhat life changing has been also one of the toughest in regards to my health.
Dear Designer People, Why Do All Boots Look the Same?
I am done. I am dooooone with boots. Every year, I get excited for finding a unique kind of boot that’s classic and beautiful. I want to look like a woman straight out of the olden days (I don’t know which year I just want it to look vintagey, DANG IT!) but without the darn …
Delicious Almond Cookies
These cookies have taken over my mind since I first started craving almonds. They were inspired by the traditional Puerto Rican wedding cake which usually is almond flavored with bits of delicious sliced almonds. It truly one of my favorites. For this recipe, you will need to feel somewhat homesick and nostalgic. These two feelings …
Lip Addict Tag
It’s been a very long time since I last posted a tag blog but I just bought a few new items and thought “Why not?!”. I retrieved this tag from Rosie’s Dailies. Please feel free to check out her lovely blog. I tag anyone who reads this and invite you to make your own! But …
Reese's Pieces and Chocolate Chip Cookies
My husband really likes peanut butter. Honestly, when I say “really”, I mean REALLY. Most of the desserts he asks for contain peanut butter or he’d be happier with it added into it. This recipe was just a lazy Sunday kind of recipe. I had the ingredients around the house and took the plunge.
The Wolf Among Us
Fairy tales are awesome. They are. There’s nothing more to it. The Wolf Among Us is an amazing fairly new (2013 is fairly new, okay!) episodic adventure game that will rock your socks off.