In my last post, I briefly mentioned moving to Texas. It’s been a week and so far… WE’VE JUST GOT OUR INTERNET INSTALLED! I am without my baking utensils or a bed, as a matter of fact. This lack of activity in the kitchen has made me experience somewhat of an epiphany; I have become …
Chocolate Cake Cookies
So, I’m finally back to Ohio… just in time to start packing because we’re moving to Texas! This summer has been a whirlwind of just chaos, topped with sadness, confusion,happiness, eating, and even bouts of hunger. Nevertheless, I come to you, my friends with a new and simple cookie recipe. This cookie-cake is actually a …
Puerto Rican Getaway
As some of you many know, or well, I hope most of you. I’ve been in Puerto Rico for the last three weeks! So far, it’s been a very food-filled yet exhausting adventure. It also has been the longest I have gone without baking or cooking anything. To be honest, I’m starting to experience baking …
Sinister Chocolate Muffins
Chocolate is my vice. It’s sinister and conniving, it’ll find a way to get into my innermost thoughts where it will remain until all the chocolate I posses is gone. It’s both wretched and lovely. Its a luscious silken robe of desire. Update: I finished this recipe on Thursday but I haven’t been …
Orange and Chocolate Dipped Cookies
I’ve been craving orange and chocolate topped cookies for at least two weeks now. Yesterday, Scarletscorchdroppers posted this lovely recipe. Although I did not follow her cookie instructions, I was inspired by hers. This recipe can also act as a Panky cookie. Back when I was kid, Panky cookies were all the rage. Every kid had …
My Heart Ached: A Poem
More often than not, I tend to focus on the positive. Life is truly what you make it. Today, I watched the most touching online video. It was about a young boy who lost his life to cancer. Zach Sobiech left quite the impression on me. His meekness and ability to focus on the matter at …
The Fancy Cookie
This cookie is the epitome of fanciness with its elegant white chocolate morsels, lustrous coconut, and boisterous almonds. One bite will have your pinky raising itself on its own, whilst your stomach gracefully sways in enjoyment. You will not regret treating yourself to this decadent treat!
Sunshine Award
Behold! The Sunshine Award! I was nominated by the wonderful and always sweet Trace in the Kitchen. Her blog is an array of awesome. Not only does she bake, she cooks, and travels! The Rules: 1. Post the Sunshine Award logo on your blog. 2. Nominate 10 fellow bloggers and announce their nomination in their blog’s comment …
Rough Week: Here's A Poem
This week has been unequivocally wretched. I’ve tried to make about 3 different recipes, all of which did not meet my standards. I can’t post icky things on here! I just can’t. Anyway, as an apology, I will provide you with my poetry: Unpleasant by Melisa Robledo None are equal to the grace of Flourished languages …
Chocolate Chip Brownies
At times, when amidst my thoughts, I’ll experience some sort of baking epiphany. Once this epiphany is had, I have to, I absolutely have to get into the kitchen. I must make this vision a reality! That’s pretty much how these brownies came to be. Last night, as I stewed in my anger due to …