I have many food related loves. I will not deny it. It’s a part of me I have come to accept. I must say, having been raised on a tropical island might have had something to do with my obsession with food. I was spoiled with delicious treats and now, having moved, I find myself …
S'more Chocolate Chip Cookie
S’mores! Who doesn’t love them? They’re a combination of everything that makes life worth living. This recipe was just something that was revealed to me through some divine inspiration.
Homeade Salsa
This recipe came to me in a dream. In said dream, I had a bag of corn tortillas and no salsa. Let me be honest here, that dream was more of a nightmare. I woke up the following morning with the most intense craving for chips and salsa. A craving, you will be glad to …
Triple Chocolate Brownies
Brownies and I, we have a long and beautiful history. Before my husband and I started officially dating, I gave him a box of brownies. I encouraged him to take a bite, so I could see if he really enjoyed them. To this day, I am certain that it was his genuinely joyful smile that …
Healthy? You Mean Both Body and Soul, Right?
Is it me or this new health craze is resulting in a really unhealthy perspective in life? Everyday, my ears and eyes are being subjected to self-loathing and deranged illusions of females who insist that dieting will bring them happiness and inner peace. I can understand not being happy with your weight, body, and overall look. …
Peach Cake and Glaze
Me and my cravings, right? I think most of my post are inspired by my stomach’s will and constant lust for munchies. What was on my tummy’s brain today? Peaches. Specifically, peach cake. How did I make it? Well, here’s the recipe!
Peanut butter and Chocolate Chip Blondies
I’ve never had a blondie. I didn’t even know what a blondie was. It all happened as I was frolicking through my WordPress reader when all of a sudden… BOOM! Blondie recipes everywhere! What was I to do? I honestly felt like I was missing out on something spectacular. And the variations! Blondies with fruits, chocolate, …
The Baking Enthusiast Award
Goodness me, another award? In all honestly, these fellow bloggers on WordPress are the absolute best! I was nominated by Elise from elisebakes who has a wonderfully sweet blog herself that you should all check out. From what I gather, this award was created by mydearbakes (another incredible sweets blogger) in order to award blogs that are …
Cinnamon, Raisins, and Winter Ale Bread
You could say that this Sunday was one of the laziest Sundays I have ever experienced. You know what? No. This whole weekend was a lazy weekend. I have one thing to say for my actions or lack thereof: I regret nothing. In order to commemorate this weekend of absolute non-moving, video gaming, and snuggles, Damian and I decided …
Oatmeal and Brown Sugar Cookies
Have you ever had those days where you feel extremely anxious yet you have no idea why? Well, today was definitely one of those days for me. I tend to either read or bake during those particular anxiety-ridden days. Today, I baked! However, as you all may already know, I like using ingredients I already …