Healthy Oatmeal and Banana Cookies


There’s this health craze going about. I’m not entirely sure who invented the two ingredient oatmeal and banana cookie. It’s just been swooshing around the Internet for a while. I’ve always been interested in the cookie. It seemed simple enough and I happened to have some ripe bananas that needed some eating. I’d like to think …

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BH Cosmetics


BH Cosmetics has been having an amazing sale for a few weeks now. A friend of mine suggested I’d try these out since I was in the lookout for a new, balanced, palette. In a way, something to begin to learn the art of applying makeup since I am a complete beginner. I bought two …

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I've Been Missing, I Know.


Hello readers! It’s been a while, I know. I pretty much broke my back and then went back home to visit family. I am now going through physical therapy and feeling waaaaaaaaaay better. I still don’t really understand how it happened but it did (boooooo). May was a pretty eventful month! I took some pretty lovely pictures. …

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New Sewing Project: Clutches


Since I have begun sewing, I’ve been trying to become a bit more confident when it comes to honing my craft. I am by no means an expert. Actually, I am a complete novice. I’ve only been sewing for about two months which is really practically no experience at all. Nevertheless, I am really very …

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Tearaway Game Review


Let me just start by saying that this game is beautiful. The art style is very quirky. It’s truly unlike anything I have ever seen be done before. In Tearaway, you play as a little paper person (who you can friggin’ customize to look incredibly adorable or sophisticated… I don’t know what you’re into!) who …

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More Sewing


This week, or well, these past two weeks, I have been sewing a bit of other things, By other things, I mean… Okay, let me start from the very beginning. I was looking for an easy stuffed elephant pattern to sew for my soon-to-be-born niece. I found one on this lovely site. AND I DID …

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